How to Store a Hobie Kayak

Understanding how to store a Hobie kayak effectively is key to preserving its condition and ensuring it’s ready for your next outing. This guide cuts straight to the chase, providing essential tips for storing your Hobie kayak safely and making the most out of your storage space. By following our size-conscious and protective strategies, you can avoid common storage mishaps and keep your kayak in peak condition.

Key Takeaways

  • Proper kayak storage, such as using upside-down positioning on padded crossbars, can prevent damage and deformation, and storing in a dry, well-ventilated area can protect against mold and mildew.
  • There are various storage solutions for Hobie kayaks, including outdoor racks and covers as well as indoor ceiling racks and wall mounts; the best option depends on individual space and protection requirements.
  • Regular cleaning and preparing the kayak before storage is crucial; using the correct cleaning products, ensuring thorough drying, and conducting frequent inspections will extend the kayak’s lifespan and maintain its value.
How to Store a Hobie Kayak

The Importance of Proper Hobie Kayak Storage

Storing Hobie kayaks appropriately can extend their lifespan, enhance performance, and protect them from damage, mold, and mildew. The storage location must be chosen carefully to protect the kayak from extreme temperatures that could harm its materials. Adequate storage of the Hobie kayak helps maintain its efficiency and stability on the water.

But how can we prevent damage and deformation? And how can we protect our kayaks from mold and mildew? Let’s find out.

Preventing Damage and Deformation

An upside-down storage position on padded crossbars distributes the Hobie kayak’s weight evenly, minimizing scratches or deformation risk. Custom molded cradles and supports shaped to the hull’s contour help prevent flat spots and distortions when stored right-side up. Inappropriate storage techniques, such as not positioning the kayak upside down, can result in warping or bending, highlighting the importance of supportive storage.

Using a protective kayak cover can shield a Hobie kayak from direct sunlight and environmental damage, helping to maintain its condition.

Mold and Mildew Prevention

To prevent the buildup of moisture which can lead to mold or mildew, store the Hobie Kayak in a dry, well-ventilated area. Cleaning and drying the kayak thoroughly before storage can significantly help prevent mold and mildew growth on the Hobie kayak.

Remember, maintaining a mold and mildew-free kayak ensures its longevity and optimal performance.

Outdoor vs. Indoor Storage

One key factor to ponder when deciding where to store your Hobie kayak is the choice between outdoor and indoor storage. Outdoor storage options for Hobie kayaks include the use of racks, covers, and possibly a shed for added protection. Conversely, indoor storage is generally recommended for Hobie kayaks in a dry place such as a garage or shed to shelter from environmental elements. Each storage option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages; outdoor storage requires careful consideration of protection and security, while indoor storage provides a more controlled environment but demands ample space.

Outdoor Storage Solutions

Racks and covers are integral components of outdoor storage solutions to ensure the safety and protection of Hobie kayaks. Commercial kayak racks, such as the Malone 3 tier rack, and custom-built racks using treated wood, provide organized and stable outdoor storage.

Secure anchoring is vital when storing a Hobie kayak outdoors to avoid wind damage, and protective covers are necessary to shield against weather conditions.

Indoor Storage Tips

Indoor storage offers a controlled environment that ensures the safety of your Hobie kayak. This helps protect your kayak from the elements and ensures it stays in good condition. Ensure the Hobie kayak is kept in a dry, well-ventilated area to prevent damage and deterioration from humidity and temperature changes. Utilize sturdy indoor storage solutions like adjustable ceiling racks, freestanding racks, or wall-mounted systems to optimize space and support the weight of multiple kayaks.

For easier access and routine maintenance, consider a pulley system or hoist for lifting and lowering the kayak, and ensure enough clearance around the storage area to avoid impacting the kayak.

Cleaning and Preparing Your Hobie Kayak for Storage

A thorough cleaning of your Hobie kayak is a prerequisite to storage. Hobie kayaks should be cleaned with a mild soap and water mix to remove dirt and prevent mold before long-term storage. For persistent stains and added UV protection, use specialized cleaners designed for kayak materials.

Naturally, use an electric air pump to remove water and make sure the kayak, particularly its hard-to-reach areas, is completely dry.

Cleaning Techniques

Selecting the appropriate specialized kayak cleaner is crucial for effectively removing dirt and stains from a Hobie kayak without causing damage. Some recommended cleaning agents include:

  • Simple Green
  • Comet
  • Acid Magic
  • Soft Scrub with bleach

These cleaning agents can effectively break down and remove stubborn residue and tough stains.

Following the cleaning, rinse the kayak thoroughly with clean water and let it sun-dry to eliminate any cleaning residues and inhibit mildew growth.

Accessory Removal and Storage

For the sake of your Hobie kayak’s longevity, remove all accessories and store them separately before stowing the kayak. This will help maintain the kayak and its accessories in good condition for future use. Accessories such as:

  • The seat
  • Paddle
  • Fishing rod holders
  • Cup holders

Items should be removed, cleaned, and dried thoroughly before properly storing them.

Store your kayak accessories in an organized manner using a kayak storage rack, storage bin, shelf, or hanging hooks for storing accessories and keeping them easily accessible for future use.

Choosing the Right Storage System

After your Hobie kayak is cleaned and dried, it is ready for its designated storage spot. There are several options for storing a Hobie Kayak, such as:

  • Using a storage rack
  • Hanging it from the ceiling
  • Placing it on a storage cart
  • Using custom molded cradles

Choose the storage method that works best for you and your space.

Choosing the right storage system is dependent on your personal needs and the amount of space available.

Kayak Racks and Mounts

Kayak racks provide a secure and convenient place for storing Hobie kayaks off the ground, which protects them and extends their lifespan. Choosing the right kayak rack material is essential, as aluminum offers lighter weight and corrosion resistance, while steel guarantees strength and affordability.

The cost of kayak racks can range significantly from $50 to over $900, with increased prices if the vehicle requires additional crossbars or roof railings.

Storage Carts and Trailers

Platform carts and scupper carts are common types catered to Hobie kayaks, with the former using adjustable inch webbed strapping and the latter utilizing scupper holes for securing the kayak. Certain carts with a weight capacity of up to 450 pounds and adjustable padded bunks can transport heavier fishing kayaks along with their gear safely.

Collapsible kayak carts that can be conveniently stowed either on deck or in large hatches offer added benefits by being readily transportable and reducing storage space requirements.

Maintenance and Inspection During Storage

Your Hobie kayak needs attention, even when in storage. Here are some steps to take:

  • Lubricate moving parts such as pedals or rudders with kayak-specific lubricants to prevent corrosion and ensure smooth operation.
  • Visibly inspect the kayak for any damage to the hull or signs of pests.
  • Conduct a physical inspection for weaknesses, holes, or leaks, and seal any issues if needed.

Taking these steps will help you kayak correctly and keep your kayak in good condition, ready for your next adventure.

Frequent inspections are vital to maintain the optimal condition of your kayak and ensure its readiness for your next adventure.

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections of a stored Hobie kayak can help prevent damage, maintaining its optimal performance and safety. It is important to properly secure a Hobie kayak during storage. Using straps or bungee cords is crucial to prevent accidental damage or movement.

Regularly inspecting the kayak for signs of damage such as cracks or leaks before and during storage can prevent further issues.

Seasonal Care and Winterization

As seasons change, your Hobie kayak may require additional care. Here are some tips for winter storage:

  1. Clean and dry the Hobie kayak thoroughly before applying a waterproof sealant.
  2. Consider using a kayak storage cover for additional protection during winter storage.
  3. If storing the kayak outdoors, place tarps over the whole trailer to protect it from the elements.

Following these steps will help ensure that you store your hobie kayak properly during the winter months, keeping it in good condition.

How to store a hobie kayak long term

If you’re planning to store your Hobie kayak for an extended period, there are several factors to consider. Storing the kayak in a garage or shed is a good idea, especially when there is enough space and the kayak is secured to prevent any damage or accidents. By doing so, you can protect your kayak and have it ready for your next adventure. It is recommended to use a high-quality cover specifically designed for kayaks to protect against dust, debris, and UV rays.

Regularly inspect the kayak for any signs of wear and tear, and keep it clean and dry even during storage periods.

Can you store a hobie kayak on its side

While it may be tempting to store your Hobie kayak on its side to save space, this is generally not recommended due to the risk of deformation. If a kayak must be stored on its side, it’s important to ensure that the weight is evenly distributed and that the kayak is supported at several points along its length to prevent warping. Some storage racks are designed to hold kayaks on their sides securely, but it’s crucial to use padding to protect the kayak’s finish and structure.

How to store a hobie compass kayak

Storing a Hobie Compass kayak follows the same general principles as storing any other Hobie kayak. Avoid hanging the kayak from the bow and stern handles as this could stretch the plastic and lead to damage.

Store the kayak upside down resting on two crossbars, as the rails of the kayak are stiff and can support its weight without deforming.

How should a Hobie kayak be stored?

Hobie kayaks should be stored in a way that avoids pressure points that could deform the hull over time. It is recommended to use wide straps for suspending kayaks during storage to distribute the weight evenly and prevent warping.

When using wall racks, the arms should be padded, and the kayak should rest on its side, which is generally the strongest part of the kayak.

Do Hobie kayaks hold their value?

Hobie kayaks are known to hold their value well over time. The resale value of a Hobie kayak can be influenced by factors such as the time of year, with higher prices often seen in warmer months when demand is higher. The condition of the kayak plays a significant role in its resale value; well-maintained kayaks that are kept clean and close to mint condition can fetch higher prices.

How do you store a Hobie kayak outside?

When storing your Hobie kayak outside, follow these guidelines:

  • Store it in a shaded area to protect it from UV rays and heat. Use a weather-resistant tarp if necessary.
  • Use a rack or suspension system to keep the kayak off the ground. Support it on its side or with the hull facing up to avoid hull deformation.
  • Ensure that the kayak is stored in a location that is not easily visible or accessible to potential thieves.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Hobie kayaks hold their value?

Yes, Hobie kayaks tend to hold their value well, as long as the hulls are in good condition and don’t leak.

What is the best way to store a kayak?

The best way to store a kayak is by using a padded rack system to prevent damage and keep it away from potential hazards. Options like ceiling racks, wall racks, or freestanding racks are ideal and can typically hold multiple kayaks.

Is it better to store a kayak vertically or horizontally?

It is best to store your kayak horizontally to ensure its safety and longevity. While vertical storage is a viable option with proper precautions, horizontal storage is generally recommended.

Can I store my Hobie kayak outdoors?

Yes, you can store your Hobie kayak outdoors, but be sure to use a kayak cover and secure it properly to protect it from weather damage.

How often should I inspect my stored Hobie kayak?

You should inspect your stored Hobie kayak regularly to prevent damage and ensure safety and performance.


Appropriate storage is key to preserving the longevity, performance, and value of your Hobie kayak., taking care of its storage will ensure that you enjoy many years of use from your kayak. Whether you choose to store your kayak indoors or outdoors, the key is to ensure it is clean, dry, and stored in a way that avoids pressure points that could deform the hull.

Frequent inspections and maintenance are also important to keep your Hobie kayak in prime condition and adventure-ready.

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