What to Wear to Kayaking

Are you wondering what to wear to kayaking to stay comfortable and safe on the water? Kayaking attire is not just about style—it’s critical for your safety and the quality of your experience. Whether you’re gliding through chilled waters or basking under a sunny sky, the right layers, materials, and accessories are vital. This article provides you with the essential clothing recommendations for any kayaking conditions, covering the trifecta of the base, mid, and outer layers, as well as crucial aspects like footwear and sun protection.

Key Takeaways

  • Dress for the water, not the air temperature, and use a three-layer system (base, mid, and outer layers) for effective temperature management when kayaking.
  • Choose the right footwear for kayaking: avoid cotton and flip flops; opt for neoprene or quick-drying shoes with good grip and secure fastening.
  • Always prioritize sun protection with UPF-rated clothing, cover exposed areas, and don’t forget to wear a PFD for safety, regardless of weather conditions.
What to Wear to Kayaking

Choosing the Right Apparel for Kayaking

When it comes to kayaking, what you wear can greatly impact your overall experience. Dressing for the water temperature, not the air temperature, is a rule of thumb every paddler should remember. Why? Because falling into cold water while dressed for a warm day can quickly lead to hypothermia. On top of that, you can’t beat the versatility of layering. It allows you to manage your body temperature effectively by adding or removing layers as conditions change.

We will examine the three layers of kayaking attire – the base, mid, and outer layers, which will guide you in jumping on your kayaking adventure with style and safety.

Selecting a Base Layer

The base layer is your knight in shining armor when it comes to combating sweat. Choosing a material that wicks away sweat is necessary as it keeps your skin surface dry and comfortable while paddling. You can choose from various weights such as ultralight, lightweight, midweight, and heavyweight, depending on weather conditions and your personal needs. When it comes to material, merino wool and synthetic fibers like polypropylene and polyester are top picks due to their insulation, breathability, and quick-drying properties.

Nowadays, advanced technologies like comfort mapping and thermo-regulation are used to optimize comfort and effectiveness across different regions of the body.

Insulating with a Mid Layer

In cold conditions, a good thick fleece layer over the base layer is your best friend. It retains warmth and is easy to remove when you start working up a sweat. Striking a balance between the warmth of your mid-layer and your activity level is key to preventing overheating.

The choice of mid-layer garments should take into account the anticipated air temperature and the physical exertion expected during the kayaking trip. The most effective weight of layering for mid-layers depends on the level of activity and the temperature conditions, with a thin layer being more effective for active scenarios.

The Crucial Outer Layer

Your outer layer acts as your shield against the elements. It should be waterproof, windproof, and breathable to provide the best protection. A high-quality rain jacket and waterproof pants make an excellent outer layer for cold conditions, keeping water out and ensuring comfort during paddling. For an extra layer of protection, look for jackets with gaskets at the neck and wrists and neoprene cuffs.

Footwear Fundamentals for Paddlers

Having discussed clothing, it is now time to consider suitable footwear for kayaking. The ideal kayak shoes should:

  • Protect against punctures from sharp objects like rocks and shells
  • Be versatile for various water sports
  • Neoprene is a great choice for cold conditions, providing protection and warmth
  • Quick-draining mesh uppers are perfect for summer kayaking
  • Ensure you have a good grip on slippery surfaces, opt for rubber outsoles with lugs.

We will go through this further and highlight some common footwear mistakes to avoid.

Avoiding Common Footwear Mistakes

When it comes to kayaking footwear, there are a few pitfalls to avoid. Cotton materials are a no-go as they absorb water and take a long time to dry. Flip flops may seem like a comfortable choice, but they offer minimal protection and grip, increasing the risk of foot injuries. Not to mention, they can easily come off, particularly when entering or exiting the kayak, leading to potential loss in the water.

Instead, opt for shoes with secure fastening systems to prevent losing them in rough water or during a wet exit.

Sun Protection Strategies on the Water

Extended exposure to the sun while kayaking necessitates additional steps to shield your skin from harmful UV rays. Here are some tips to protect your skin:

  • Wear clothing with a high Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) rating. This is more effective and comfortable than constantly reapplying sunscreen.
  • Choose dark or bright colors, as they are more effective at absorbing rays and preventing them from penetrating the skin.
  • Opt for densely woven synthetic fabrics, as they provide better UV protection than loose weaves.
  • Consider wearing shiny polyester fabrics, as they reflect light and offer additional protection.

But what about those parts of your body that aren’t covered by clothing?

Covering Up Exposed Areas

Exposing your skin to the sun for long periods can lead to sunburn and other skin issues. Hence, covering up as much as possible is critical. Here are some items you can use to protect yourself:

  • Wide-brim hats with a chin strap are perfect for protecting your head and face from direct sunlight and reflected UV radiation.
  • Long-sleeved shirts made of lightweight, quick-dry materials should be worn to protect your upper body.
  • Don’t forget your hands! UPF-rated paddling gloves can shield your hands from harmful sun exposure and improve your grip on the paddle.

And for your lower body, opt for full-length sun pants made from lightweight, dense fabric.

Special Considerations for Cold Weather Kayaking

Kayaking in cold weather comes with its own set of challenges. One of the most critical gear for cold weather kayaking is a drysuit. This provides a waterproof layer, water-resistant fabric, and the breathability required for comfort and safety.

But what should you wear under a drysuit?

Dry Suit Base Layer Options

Underneath your drysuit, a thin base layer that manages moisture and provides light insulation is necessary to keep you dry and warm. Synthetic fabrics such as nylon, polyester, and polypropylene, as well as merino wool, are recommended due to their moisture-wicking properties and non-absorbent nature.

Managing Extreme Cold

What if you find yourself kayaking in extreme cold conditions? In such scenarios, neoprene garments, HydroSkin® layers, or synthetic puffy jackets are your best bet. They ensure mobility and warmth, enabling you to paddle comfortably even in frigid temperatures.

Accessorizing for Your Kayaking Adventure

As with any adventure, accessorizing can enhance your kayaking experience. Essential items for kayaking include:

  • Personal flotation devices
  • Lights
  • Dry bags
  • Helmets

These items not only add convenience but also ensure safety during your kayaking adventure.

Personal Flotation Device (PFD) Essentials

A non-negotiable accessory is the personal flotation device (PFD). Regardless of how confident you are in your swimming skills, a PFD is a must-wear safety gear at all times while kayaking.

It’s a sobering fact that the majority of drowning deaths in U.S. waters involved individuals not wearing a life jacket.

Spray Skirt Use and Selection

Another handy accessory for kayakers is a spray skirt. The device prevents water from entering the kayak, keeping the kayaker dry and secure inside. This ensures a safe and enjoyable experience on the water. They are particularly recommended for kayaking in choppy waters to prevent water from entering the kayak.

However, if you’re using a spray skirt, make sure you’re skilled in performing an Eskimo roll or in detaching the spray skirt quickly in case of capsizing.

How to Dress for Kayaking in Mild Conditions

Lightweight, quick-drying clothing is suitable for mild conditions. A combination of quick-dry clothing, UPF protection tops, and a mid-layer fleece jacket may suffice, along with water-ready footwear.

These will ensure that you stay comfortable and maneuver your kayak with ease.

How to Dress for Kayaking in Cool or Cold Water

When the temperature drops, it’s time to bring out the wetsuits or dry suits. Wearing these with appropriate layering ensures that you stay warm and safe, even when paddling in cold and wet conditions, such as cool or cold water.

Tips for what to wear to kayaking

Regardless of whether you are a seasoned kayaker or a beginner, refreshing your knowledge with some kayaking attire tips is always beneficial. Remember to layer your clothing, dress for the water temperature, and opt for quick-drying fabrics.

These simple tips can make a difference in your kayaking experience.

What to Wear Kayaking in Warm Weather

Paddling under the warm summer sun is an incredible experience. Light clothing, shorts, or swimwear are ideal for warm-weather kayaking. Just don’t forget to consider your sun protection needs.

What to wear kayaking in any season.

Kayaking is a year-round activity, and what you wear should adapt to the season and water temperature. From lightweight clothing in summer to wetsuits or dry suits in winter, the right attire can ensure you have a comfortable and safe kayaking experience in any season.

What To Wear For Nighttime Kayaking

Though nighttime kayaking offers a unique experience, it requires special considerations in attire. Wetsuits or dry suits, along with extra layers, are recommended for warmth.

Don’t forget to bring a head torch for visibility.

How should I dress for kayaking?

When dressing for kayaking, priorities should be comfort, dryness, and temperature considerations. Choose clothes that are durable, flexible, and offer protection against wet and cold conditions. Always remember to prioritize safety by wearing a properly fitted PFD.

Do you wear a bathing suit to kayak?

You might be tempted to wear a bathing suit for kayaking, especially during warm weather. However, this is not recommended as it exposes your skin to sunburn and doesn’t offer much protection against injuries from rough water or abrasions.

Should I wear leggings kayaking?

Leggings can be a comfortable choice for kayaking, but make sure they are quick-drying and provide sun protection. Specialized kayak pants with built-in SPF sun protection can be a great alternative to traditional leggings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I wear pants or shorts for kayaking?

Wear quick-dry shorts or pants, depending on the temperature and the location to avoid getting uncomfortable, especially in a swampy area. Stay comfortable and bug-free while kayaking!

What should I wear for kayaking?

Wear layered, quick-drying clothing and always use a personal flotation device for safety when kayaking, depending on the weather and water temperature. Stay safe out there!

Can I wear leggings for kayaking?

Yes, you can wear leggings for kayaking, just make sure they are quick-drying and offer sun protection. Look for specialized kayak pants with built-in SPF for an even better option.


As you can see, appropriate dressing for kayaking extends beyond mere comfort. It is a matter of safety and can significantly impact your overall experience. By considering the weather, water temperature, and safety gear, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable kayaking adventure!

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